Radiology Mattress

Synstat® Radiology

The lack of elastic memory of the Synstat Radiology Mattress allows a significant postural comfort, as well as a drastic reduction of compression onto tissues and prevention of pain-inflammatory conditions affecting the musculo-skeletal system.

Our Radiology Mattress is specifically recommended for a correct and comfortable posture during radiological practices which is functional to the prevention of pressure caused skin lesions and pain-inflammatory conditions affecting the musculo-skeletal system.

Technical Features

Synstat Radiology static reactive antidecubitus mattress is manufactured in Synergel® (density 60 Kg/m3, medium-high bearing capacity) a special expanded polyether, polyester and silicon expanded copolymer, flexible, modeling, thermo-press-formable (viscoelastic – slow memory) and not measurable elastic response (resilience) according to UNI regulations.

The padding material is open-cells and alveolar structured in order to provide high transpiration and it is processed and certified through appropriate bacteriostatic and fungistatic sanitation procedure.

User weight: min. Kg 30 – max Kg 150


  • CE marked class I medical device.

  • Latex-Free product.

materasso radiologia

Our Certifications

materassi certificati ce

Medical Device class 1 MDR UE 2017/745 and subsequent modifications and additions

materassi igienici e trattamento sanitario permanente

Hygiene and permanent
Sanitation Treatment

materassi latex free senza lattice


materassi e prodotti ergonomici certificati

Ergonomic mattresses
certified by Ergocert

Requisiti prestazionali certificati

Performance Requirements
UNI 10707 REV2003

Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008


Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008