Privacy Policy

Information notice in accordance with Lgs.D. n. 196/2003: “Personal Data Regulations”.

Under art. 13, D.Lgs n. 196/2003, we provide you with the following information:

  1. Any information or personal data which you provide, or which is otherwise gathered via our  Website or in the contest of the use of our services, will be processed by Synergic italiana in a lawful, fair and transparent manner,in order to protect your privacy and your rights.
  1. The processing of your personal data is finalized exclusively for the fulfillment of legal or contractual obligations or for administrative and accounting purposes.    
  1. The processing may also involve the use of computer systems and software procedures, obviously in such manner as to ensure the safety and the confidentiality of your data.
  1. The conferment of the data is optional; however, any refuse to communicate, in whole or in part your personal data, or the refuse to provide the authorization to process your personal data, may cause the failed execution or the partial execution of the contract, or otherwise the failed execution of the assignment.
  1. Your data will be disclosed exclusively for the above mentioned purposes, to specific parties, such as legal or tax advisers, banking institutions, business partners or transport companies, in order to fulfill the above cited obligations. Other subjects, such as the staff working at our premises and external collaborators, may access your personal data, solely in the case they are appointed as Data Controller or Data Processor. In no other case your personal data will be disclosed.      
  1. Sensitive personal data such as to disclose race, ethnicity, religious belief, philosophical convictions, political views, membership of parties, unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature; or otherwise personal data concerning the health condition and sexual life, may also be processed, if necessary, prior written consent of the person concerned (where required) and prior authorization by the Data Protection Authority (art. 26 Lgs.D. n. 196/2003) under the above mentioned manners and terms.                
  2. The owner of the data treatment is Synergic Italiana Srl, with registered office in Via della Tecnica, 23 – 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO). The data controller is the CEO in office.
  3. To exercise any of the rights indicated above, you should refer directly to the owner of the data treatment or to the data controller, as provided by art. 7 Lgs.D. n. 196/2003 , which we reproduce hereunder for your convenience:

Art. 7: Right of access to personal data and other rights.

  1.  The person concerned has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence of his personal-data, even if not yet recorded, and has the right to obtain the relevant communication in an intelligible  form. 
  2. The person concerned has the right to obtain the information about: 
    1. a) the origin of the personal data; 
    2. b) purposes and methods of the treatment; 
    3. c) the logic applied when the data are treated by using electronic tools; 
    4. d) details of the holder of the data, of the person in charge and of the representative person appointed in accordance to the article 5, paragraph 2; 
    5. e) the subjects and the subject categories to whom the personal data can be disclosed or the subjects who can access such data, as appointed representatives in the Country, as responsible persons or as entrusted persons.
  3. The person concerned has the right to obtain: 
    1. a) data up-dating, data amendments, and when interested, the integration to additional data; 
    2. b) the cancellation, the change into the anonymous form or the block of the data treated by violating the law, included the data for which the conservation, related to the aims of the collection or the further treatment. 
    3. c) the attestation that the people to whom the data have been disclosed or communicated are aware of the procedure as per the letter a) and b) and their relevant contents, except for the case in which this execution is impossible or requires an effort, which is clearly disproportionate compared to the protected right. 

    The person concerned has the right to oppose completely or partially the treatment of his personal data for the following reasons: 

    1. a) legitimate rights, although relevant to the purpose of the data collection; 
    2. b) the sending of advertising materials or the direct sale or the market research or the commercial communication. 

Our Certifications

materassi certificati ce

Medical Device class 1 MDR UE 2017/745 and subsequent modifications and additions

materassi igienici e trattamento sanitario permanente

Hygiene and permanent
Sanitation Treatment

materassi latex free senza lattice


materassi e prodotti ergonomici certificati

Ergonomic mattresses
certified by Ergocert

Requisiti prestazionali certificati

Performance Requirements
UNI 10707 REV2003

Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008


Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008